You are requested to contact all recommended transport companies and finalize the best and safest service covering your location. The maximum price for each place is discussed, and negotiated, after multiple rounds of discussion by the SMC and the Transporters. The rates as mentioned are for regular working days and exam days that fall on weekdays from Sunday to Thursday. Drop-off of students will be on the First Pick – First Drop (FIFO – First In / First Out) basis. It MAY NOT BE FOLLOWED IN SOME ROUTES where it is not possible. Parents are requested to advise their wards to move in a line to board or alight the bus. They should maintain discipline in the bus. Transporter Selection and Monthly Payment of the fare will be directly between the transport operator and parents.
Bus students will enter and exit from gate no. 4 (Gate no 4 is at the backside) Own transport and taxi children will enter and exit from Gate numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5.