
School Cafeteria – Al Tasneem

  • The school canteen is a great place to promote the enjoyment of healthy eating. 
  • For students who use the canteen regularly, the food purchased makes a significant contribution to their total food intake and nutrition; therefore, the cafeteria is essential, and the school has considered all necessary things to ensure that the best food is available.
  • The purpose of the ISB Cafeteria are as follows: 
    • To promote healthy foods and creating a school culture of healthy eating. 
    • To provide a healthy and tempting recess and lunch option to the students and faculty of the school. 
    • To make children carry a lighter bag by cutting down their tiffin weight. 
    • To complement classroom programs, learning and educational experiences. 
    • To support after school, stay back activities for sports, academic remedial and enrichment shortly. 


It’s the right time and the opportunity to get associated and be innovative!